new Poetry collection

Now available for purchase. What some mighty fine poets are saying about New Species of Color:

“I loved reading Tamsin’s Spencer Smith’s New Species of Color. I was immediately drawn into the irresistibly mysterious and original worlds of these poems: their charms, their sly humor, their precise questions and generous, open, suggestions of answers. Deeply intelligent, these are the poems of a contemporary heir to Wallace Stevens, were he kinder and more open to love.”

— Matthew Zapruder, Story of a Poem and I Love Hearing Your Dreams

“The penultimate poem in Tamsin Smith’s marvelous new collection, begins, “She draws lines like horizons”—a statement that aptly applies to Smith herself, in that her lines of poetry brilliantly limn the seen and the unseen. Smith is a keen observer of light of love of sky of skin of color of consciousness. The poems of New Species of Color masterfully move from what she regards to what she beholds. Everything is alive and glowing and moving and becoming. As a reader, I know I am in the hands of someone who is feeling her way through the world the way she is feeling her way through language, which is to say with alacrity and awe. I love this book.”

— Dean Rader, Before the Borderless: Dialogues with the Art of CyTwombly and Self-Portrait as Wikipedia Entry

“’Nothing fails to indicate’ writes Tamsin Smith in her beguiling New Species of Color. In poems full of mystery and of mysterious vectors Smith (who is also a visual artist) creates canvases that have ‘never a dull tongue blade’ and which invite us ‘to stop dividing the universe.’ This is a shimmering, inventive book.”

— Tess Taylor, Leaning Towards the Light and Rift Zone

4 comments on “new Poetry collection

  1. Tasmin-

    Looking forward to purchasing your book!  Oddly, the link took me to Delta Airlines. How can I purchase it?

    Thank you. 




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